Best music house where you can listen best live music from well known musicians in town everyday from 8:45 pm – 11:45 pm.
Mon & Wed :
Meet our legend ‘Ray Rozells’ with best guitarist ‘Christopher’ & cool drummer ‘Jasmi’
Tue :
Chill with ‘Somebody Who Acoustic’ by Christopher & Jasmine
Thurs: (New Band of the month)
Welcome ‘Total Alchemy’ with beautiful voice singer ‘Hara’, best pianist ‘Wilson’ & bassist ‘Kenny’
Fri :
Be ready to party with the best party band ”Acidic Bunch’ & Adele Penang ‘Soo Ong’
Sat :
Rock with ‘Somebody Who’, the best rock band by a powerful voice ‘Jasmine’, best guitarist ‘Christopher, drummer ‘Jonathan’ & bassist ‘Ayob’